Have you ever heard that someone who is “hyperactive” (read: exist) in social networking often revealed as a “standard” (read: normal) or even ignorant person in the real life?
Some people worry about losing touch with friends and family if they too focus on social networking. Then, I personally don’t worry about that problem. I think we'll continue to honor the human needs that have been hard-wired into us over the millions of years of evolution. I do think technologies ranging from email to social networks can help us make new friends and collaborate over long distances.
However, I do worry that social norms aren't keeping up with technology. For instance, it's hard to turn down a "friend" request on a social network, particularly from someone you know, and even harder to "unfriend" someone. We've got to learn that these things are OK to do. And we have to be able to partition our groups of contacts as we do in real life (College, Family, Best friends etc.). More sophisticated social networks will probably evolve to reflect our real relationships more closely, but people have to take the lead and refuse to let technical options determine how they conduct their relationships. Therefore, we are recommended to use social networking as long as we become the controller of our own relationship and not become controlled by the social networking.
Nowadays, almost everything must be digital and online. Even curhat (sharing what we feel) online. The existance of social networking also supports it run.
Yeah, this is a very blessing gift for someone who consider their self as an introvert who is not used to share everything directly to public.. and again the issue of social networking is privately public and publicly private ryt? ^o^